Tuesday, July 25, 2006

dr. bob and family guy

let's call him dr. bob. last night, he went to my place. we exchanged stories of how our life was for the past month we hadn't seen each other. he brought me clusivol multivitamins by the way... after he gave it to me, we watched Family Guy from his iPod.

this cartoon is really slick. it's not for kids anyway. but it talks about sex, violence and many things. surprisingly, it still does give out moral lessons. like one episode, the mother was hooked into stealing because of the excitement taht it gives her. when she was in prison after she was caught, she told her family about the reason she did it. she was tired of the routine of being a mother and a wife. it's sad really when you think about it. i know many women feel that. they are simply deprived of the excitement in life.

another episode showed that we just realize the importance of some persons in our lives when they're not there anymore. the baby with the british accent had hot babysitter. he ogled for her but when he discovered that the girl has a boyfriend, he kidnapped the guy. so the girl was sad because the bf didn't call. and he was there trying to "comfort" the girl but, the slick baby reached for her chest. the babysitter, then, scolded the babe. because of this, the baby schemed to have her fired. she drugged the girl and scattered booze and drugs everywhere. when she was fired, she gave the kid a present to remember her by. this made him realize he made a mistake. but it was too late since she already left.

the cartoon presented it in a satiric and dirty way but it tells many truths in life.

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