Saturday, June 24, 2006

tequila residue

my head is pounding from tequila last night. and my mind doesn't seem to work now.

what happened last night? i went to a party--well, not 'went' because i organized the party. anyway, it was a party for a community i used to belong. it's actually a costume party but naughtier. the costume should be underwear. i invited my friends along, maybe hoping that we'd teach the guys a thing or two. every one started to drink tequila and then, do the body shots. it seems that i can't bear to see my friends being devoured. everything went wild and got out of control. i was already acting like a conservative aunt. ha!

jeez... see the effect of tequila? i can't even tell a decent story. (decent here means 'of an acceptable standard or quality'.) i have an excuse. i am hung over. hmm... or shall i say, i'm still drunk? and i haven't ingested any food yet this day.

no. it's just that i'm not that good in narrating what happened. i seem to be better at writing about what i feel.

now, what am i feeling? let's just say it's a mixture of anger, frustration and depression. go ahead and sprinkle some suicidal thoughts. and viola! i am me.

but honestly, i am just hurt...

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